New York City Galleries Reopen

The art galleries, already authorized to reopen in phase 2, have taken different measures, including the choice of some not to open. 

Starting this week, however, many gallery owners have returned to work in the office.

David Zwirner reopened the two locations in Chelsea, presenting exhibitions by Leo Amino, Al Taylor, Mamma Andersson and Doug Wheeler, while Lehmann Maupin presents “Rhetorical landscapes” until 26 September by Catherine Opie: works by the American artist that include animated digital photos and collages.
The spaces of the Kasmin gallery, however, will reopen in the next few days only by appointment, resuming the exhibition by William N Copley, and inaugurating AND/ALSO, dedicated to six photographers in New York.

But not all of them are ready: the Gagosian mega-gallery, for example, is prolonging the closure of all American offices, and may not reopen before the autumn.

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